Case Scenario: Jenna Jenna is a six-year-old Caucasian female who currently resides with her foster parents, her older biological sister, and two foster brothers. Jenna and her siblings were taken from her biological parents because of suspected sexual abuse and neglect. It is reported that Jenna lived in a home without food, water, and utilities. Jenna's foster parents report that her biological mother "may have some disabilities and has never had the financial means to take care of her children." Jenna's biological brother is in a separate foster home. He is suspected of sexually abusing both Jenna and her older sister. It has been reported that he sexually abused Jenna, while her sister was helplessly told to watch. Jenna has expressed this trauma with agitated behavior. The traumatic event is re-experienced by repetitive play where she stimulates herself on furniture. Jenna avoids the stimuli associated with the trauma by avoiding conversations associated with sexual abuse. Jenna avoids activities, places, and people associated with the trauma except for her sister who was also a victim. Jenna also has a sense of a foreshortened future. She frequently brings up death with her foster parents. Jenna has persistent symptoms of increased arousal that were not present before the trauma as indicated by irritability and outbursts of anger nearly every day with her biological sister and her foster father. Jenna is also hyper vigilant and does not want her foster father around. The disturbances have lasted for over a month and have caused clinically significant social impairment to the point she is unable to attend a full day of school due to emotional breakdowns.