
Problem related to schizophrenic patient

Assignment task:

Rewrite this statement: I have been following a schizophrenic patient over the last three weeks for medication non-compliance and illicit drug use. The patient is currently taking 100mg of Haloperidol Decanoate IM every three weeks and 100mg of Benadryl daily. The patient has a 31% compliance with pill line, and he does not have a good excuse as to why he is not coming. The patient first presented with multiple symptoms of pseudoparkinsonism to include stooped posture, shuffling gait, rigidity, bradykinesia, and tremors at rest. I ran a urinary drug screen (10-panel) on this patient initially which was negative. However, I visited with him for several minutes and the patient admitted to smoking K2 on a daily basis. So, I reinforced the need for the patient to discontinue his use of K2 and start coming to pill line on a daily basis. I increased his Benadryl to 150mg daily and reduced the Haldol Deconoate IM to 50mg every three weeks. I followed up with this patient yesterday and it appears his EPS pseudoparkinsonism symptoms have improved, he assures me that he has not smoked K2 in two weeks and continues to deny hearing voices or seeing things that are not


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Other Subject: Problem related to schizophrenic patient
Reference No:- TGS03436656

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