A dilemma that the nurse may face when caring for Mr. Thorson is his respiratory status. Right now, Mr. Thorson is struggling to breath but still breathing on his own. With Mr. Thorson having contiuned trouble breathing, he may have decreases respiratory status which can lead to a pnuemothorax. Once a pnuemothorax happens, Mr. Thorson would have to be intubated and on a respiratory monitor therefore not continue to breath on his own. With having Covid 19 and COPD, his respiratory symptoms are extremely exacerbated. Mr. Thorson currently has a DNR order and as nurses we have to abide by that. If he goes on a respiratory monitor, the nurse will have to face the dilemma of talking with family regarding his current care. This is never a conversation to have with any family but Mr. Thorson could be in a worse case scenario with his respiratory status not improving. We, as nurses, can respect the wishes of the patient and provide comfort care such as oxygen supplementation with the respiratory monitor and pain medication to keep him comfortable.