Assignment task: Roger Flemming is a 56-year-old male who is admitted to hospital with a rectosigmoid tumour. He is scheduled to have a laparotomy and a left hemicolectomy.
Each case study submission should be 500 words (+/- 10%), students can choose how they distribute the word count across question One and Two in each case study. This word count does not include the summary of evidence.
At the start of the operation, he receives a combination of midazolam, fentanyl and propofol.
What is the purpose of prescribing this combination of medications at the start of the operation?
(Note: use your knowledge of these medications to critically consider this question. Remember to include supporting evidence)During the operation, Roger receives fentanyl and and ropivacaine. After the operation, the anaesthetist commences an epidural infusion containing ropivacaine and fentanyl in 100 mL isotonic saline.
What advantages are there, for Roger, to using Ropivacaine compared with other local anaesthetics in the epidural infusion?