
Problem related to lacerations and abrasions


New patient involved in a motor cycle accident seen in the ED. The patient has multiple lacerations and abrasions of the arms and legs, some of which are embedded with debris. Dr. McDermat sutures two deep wounds of the left arm; 1 measuring 3.5 cm. and 1 measuring 5.8 cm. Dr. McDermat also sutures a deep wound of the hand measuring 4.6 cm. The patient was given a prescription for antibiotics and told to follow up with McDermat in one week. The patient returns to the office and Dr. McDermat completes a expanded problem-focused exam, low level MDM, for the healing abrasions and removes the sutures. The wounds are healing well and the patient is discharged from care.


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Other Subject: Problem related to lacerations and abrasions
Reference No:- TGS03394705

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