
Problem related to hospitalized on the obstetric ward

Problem: You are told by a young patient, whose complication from childbirth required her to remain hospitalized on the obstetric ward, that Dr. Redmarck, a medial resident assigned to her case, is acting "inappropriately" toward her. She says she is scared, and she looks it. When you ask what she means, she says, "Twice this week he has stopped in during the late evening and has asked to examine my breasts. At first, I didn't' think anything about it, but then I started thinking that it didn't have anything to do with my condition... He pulls the covers way back and lifts up my gown. The way he looks at me and touches me down there --- there's something strange. I dread seeing him."

What steps would you take in response to this information?

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Other Subject: Problem related to hospitalized on the obstetric ward
Reference No:- TGS03293766

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