
Problem related to hemic and lymphatic system

Assignment task:

I need a substantive response of my classmates respond below discussion: Please be detailed and use reference book:

The Hemic and Lymphatic Systems is divided into 3 subheadings which are the Spleen, General, and Lymph Nodes and Lymphatic Channels. The two subheadings I will be describing in my post is Spleen and General

Spleen: The Spleen is composed of lymph tissue and is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. A human can live without a spleen because  the bone marrow, liver, and lymph nodes take over the work of the spleen after a total removal which is called splenectomy. The code subheading for Spleen is (38100-38200).

General: A bone marrow or blood cell transplant is a treatment for some blood diseases, such as leukemia or lymphoma. During the procedure the patient's bone marrow or blood cells are replaced with healthy bone marrow and blood cells. The treatment for this is total body irradiation or aggressive chemotherapy followed by transplantation of normal bone marrow.


Buck's 2023 Step by Step Medical coding Carol J Buck and Jackie. L Koesterman

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Other Subject: Problem related to hemic and lymphatic system
Reference No:- TGS03400303

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