
Problem related to health care environment

Assignment task:

I was born and grew up in Kampala, Uganda Africa. My cultural background has always been part of me and shaped who I am and my identity.  I'm Protestant by religion. I'm married to my husband with the same beliefs and we both belief in a creator God which helps to guide us in life. I have been exposed to global cultures but still the fundamental element of my culture shines my identity and pride.  In Uganda we have different tribes, I'm from the Baganda tribe which is a Bantu speaker and my language is Luganda. All Bantu speakers can understand each other's language although they use various dialects. Uganda was colonized by the Britain and, English is the language of colonial administration.  After independence, it became the official language, used in government, commerce, radio, television and education. Official publications and most major newspapers are in English.  Most people produced their own food and are able to eat two meals a day lunch and supper. Breakfast is often a cup of tea or porridge. Meals are prepared by women and girls and as I was growing up men and boys aged twelve and above were banned in the kitchen, which is separate from the main house. Our Popular dishes is matoke (a staple made from bananas), cassava (tapioca), sweet potatoes, chicken and beef stews, and freshwater fish,  yams, corn, cabbage, pumpkin, tomatoes, peas, beans, groundnuts (peanuts), goat meat. Oranges, papayas, lemons, and pineapples.  I have been away from my country for 43 years, but I still have the taste for these foods. Agriculture is the most important sector of our economy. My country has been through several civil wars which have contributed to economy issues and 55% of population live below poverty.  Uganda has an army, a navy, and an air force.  Army recruitment is voluntary, men and women serve and there is no fixed term of service.

Family is important a young man or woman is expected to get married and have children.  In Uganda we have economic challenges and because of this we keep our extended families close.  Families assist each other with education, health care bills, food or anything. Men mostly have the authority in the family household tasks are divided among women and older girls. Women are economically dependent on the male (husband, father, or brother). Dependence on men deprives women of influence in family and community matters and ties them to male relationships for sustenance and the survival of their children (everyculture.com, 2023).   Comparing this to the first world, most women do not like it. And this brings up the debate in our communities here in America that when African or Ugandan women come to America they change and behave like men. The members of the household eat together. Visitors and neighbors who drop in are expected to join the family at a meal. Normally a short prayer is said before the family starts eating. During the meal, children talk only when asked a question. It is considered impolite to leave the room while others are eating. Leaning on the left hand or stretching one's legs at a meal is a sign of disrespect. When the meal is finished, everyone in turn gives a compliment to the mother. In western culture you could call it table manners. I have been well versed in understanding other people's cultures, I do value and respect that and how they influence nursing care. This way it is easier while performing a nursing assessment about family.  The 12 domains comprising the organizing framework are briefly described along with the primary and secondary characteristics of culture, which determine variations in values, beliefs, and practices of an individual's cultural heritage. All health care providers in any practice setting can use the model, which makes it especially desirable in today's team-oriented health care environment (Purnell, 2002).

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Other Subject: Problem related to health care environment
Reference No:- TGS03380442

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