
Problem related to ethical practice in the human services

CASE STUDY: Mr. Paul Wallace, age 78 years, is ready to be discharged from the hospital after being treated for a cut on his scalp, the result of a fall from a ladder. While discussing discharge, Mr. Wallace tells Gina Kirk, the social worker, that since his wife died he frequently skips meals, sometimes for a couple of days at a time. He says he does not like to shop and does not like to cook. Ms. Kirk offers to make arrangements with Meals on Wheels, but he tells her not to do so. Ms. Kirk thinks that Mr. Wallace is not in as good shape as he believes himself to be and that he will only be able to continue in his own home with the support of Meals on Wheels. Ms. Kirk arranges to have Meals on Wheels delivered to Mr. Wallace five days a week. Ms. Kirk is sure that Mr. Wallace will like having the meals available when they arrive, but it he does not, then he can discontinue the service.

Prompt: Ms. Kirk's supervisor becomes aware of this situation and believes Ms. Kirk's actions are unethical. Use evidence from the book  "Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From knowing to being" By  Parsons, R.D, Dickinson, K.L.

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Other Subject: Problem related to ethical practice in the human services
Reference No:- TGS03341309

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