
Problem related to eating disorders management program

Assignment task:

A 17-year-old female is admitted to the eating disorders/psychiatric unit of the University Hospital for anorexia nervosa. The patient's current weight is less than 80 percent of her expected weight for height and age, and her body mass index (BMI) is 18.2 or the 80th percentile for her pediatric age group. A thorough history, physical, and psychological examination is ­performed. It is determined the patient has a "restricting" subtype of anorexia nervosa because she loses weight by use of caloric restriction accompanied by excessive exercise. The patient is also known to "fast" two days a week to "cleanse her system of food toxins." The patient is extremely reluctant to gain even a small amount of weight. Intensive medical and psychological support was given to the patient. Weight restoration to 90 percent of her predicted weight was her primary treatment goal. After admission, laboratory tests revealed a serious electrolyte imbalance, which was treated. Along with medical and psychological support, the patient established a positive relationship with a young female dietitian who gained the patient's trust and respect, and this was extremely positive in helping the patient regain control of her disease. The patient was discharged on day eight with a small weight gain recorded. The patient was transferred to a residential treatment facility with a successful eating disorders management program for further care.

Principal Diagnosis: __________

Secondary Diagnoses: __________

Principal Procedure: __________

Secondary Procedure(s): __________

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Other Subject: Problem related to eating disorders management program
Reference No:- TGS03248999

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