
Problem related to eating disorder population

Assignment task:

You have now completed a battery of assessments concerning food, body image, and eating habits. You have read an informed guide to working with the eating disorder population and watched videos to learn from eating disorder specialists, first-hand, what it is like working with this population. Now that you have come to the end of this course, reflect upon the following in your initial post:

1. Are you still interested in working with this population? Explain your answer.

2. What are some creative curriculum ideas you have now that you have completed your own body image assessments as well as cognitive restructuring body image assignments?

3. What have you learned most about yourself as a clinician in this process?

4. What are your own personal biases and issues as it relates to this population, food, body, and eating/diet habits?

5. How does a biblical worldview inform your perspective on working with these clients?

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Other Subject: Problem related to eating disorder population
Reference No:- TGS03376309

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