Problem related to cultural development of south america

Assignment Task:

Hello! I need some help lengthening and making better the introduction and conclusion of a paper I have been working on!

Intro: Around 10 million people in the Andean region of South America, primarily in Peru but also in Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina, speak the Quechua language, a Native American tongue. Its origins extend back to the pre-Columbian era, and throughout the decades, it has been affected by a number of languages and cultures.

Conclusion: In conclusion, because of its distinctive traits, historical importance, and relationship with Spanish, the Quechua language is an important subject of study in linguistics. The remarkable features of this language are its sophisticated evidentiality system and agglutinative morphology, to name a few. Linguists can learn more about the linguistic background and cultural development of South America by studying Quechua and other indigenous languages in the region.

Body one topic: Etymology

Body two topic: Comparative studies

Body three: Contact with Spanish and its effects.

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Other Subject: Problem related to cultural development of south america
Reference No:- TGS03370417

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