Problem related to cross-cultural psychology

Assignment task:

Topic: Cross-Cultural Psychology


Watch the FIVE prime-time television shows and TWO soap operas (ON THE LIST BELOW) that attempt to show contemporary life in the United States and count how many non-white characters are part of the show.

Prime-Time Television Shows:

  • Grey's Anatomy
  • The Good Doctor
  • Modern Family
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  • Big Bang Theory

Soap Operas:

  • General Hospital
  • The Young and the Restless


1.) Analyze the positions or roles of the minority characters and compare them to those of the white characters IN EACH OF THE SHOWS/SOAP OPERAS (e.g, how many are portrayed as rich or poor, or occupying positions of power such as doctors or judges, or working as maids, nannies, or lawn keepers?).

2.) Do the shows include people of color in percentages that reflect the population of the country?

3.) What do the differences in power or role significance say to you?

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Other Subject: Problem related to cross-cultural psychology
Reference No:- TGS03363415

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