
Problem related to civil liberties and civil rights


In chapters four and five, we learned about civil liberties and civil rights, and I feel that our civil liberties are being challenged today. On many social media platforms, they are taking away our freedom of speech by banning users. Many people have to watch what they say now on social media, or they will get "cancelled." Being cancelled is mainly for influencers or creators, and to be cancelled, the influencer needed to make a post on social media that the cancel community found offensive. The cancel community would try their best to ruin the person's life by calling their boss to get them fired and sending threats to people. The media is the main challenge that many people are facing in terms of free speech. Another example is police stopping peaceful protests and usually resorting to violence between both sides. I know that it's not always one-sided on who is wrong and right; it usually depends on who started it. The government mostly shuts down peaceful protests, so their voices won't be heard. Also, the other liberty that is being massively challenged right now is the right to bear arms. For me, I feel that the right to bear arms is an important right that should not be taken away. This right helps people protect their homes and will be able to fight against intruders if they wanted to do harm to their family. I have been seeing lately that guns are being used for illegal purposes. I recently watched a news report about a car chase, and the criminal that was escaping from police was shooting while driving. People are protesting that guns should be banned and that it will make the United States a safer place. Recently, the presidential elections have been talking about banning guns in the United States, which will heavily affect our second amendment right. To acquire a gun, it's very easy, but it needs to be stricter. An average citizen that would be suffering from mental illness could easily acquire a gun. Overall, liberty rights are being challenged today through social media and politics. In the beginning, our founding fathers made the Constitution for US citizens to be able to have rights and protection. In recent times, our liberal rights are being challenged, because of social media and protestors trying to ban the right to bare arms and try to limit our freedom of speech.

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Other Subject: Problem related to civil liberties and civil rights
Reference No:- TGS03342399

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