
Problem related to catholic belief system

Problem: Some of the Catholic Belief System that I discovered surprising is that the faithful will have life after physical death. The bible says that only the righteous through Jesus Christ will be saved after death. {John 3:16) People can be faithful but still practice evil so that is why God the Father sent His only son to die for the world sins so that only those that have accepted it should not perish but have everlasting life. Another belief is the baptism at birth. In the bible, Jesus himself showed us the example of baptism when He was over 30 years old and should been able to choose Christ from the world. The children at birth still do not have the mind to choose or to know what is good from bad. It is the symbol of dying and rising again with Christ and the babies would not know anything about that.

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Other Subject: Problem related to catholic belief system
Reference No:- TGS03275300

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