Problem related to case brown v board of education

Assignment Task:

The famous case Brown v Board of Education.  The following is needed.  Please cite the case as well.   To gain the best understanding of the investigation process, please select a case you have never studied has wrote about. For this week's initial post, respond to all of the following:

  • What is the name of the case?
  • Which side are you going to represent?
  • Where did the event happen?
  • On which date(s) did it happen?
  • Who are the parties (name the plaintiff and defendant for a civil case, name the state and defendant for a criminal case)?
  • Write a brief Summary of the Facts.
  • List witnesses to interview.
  • List physical evidence to view or obtain.
  • List documents to obtain.
  • List places to find physical evidence and documents.

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Other Subject: Problem related to case brown v board of education
Reference No:- TGS03401852

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