Problem: Friday evening after closing, Sackett's Appliances placed an ad in its window. "This weekend only, five Whirlwind dishwashers, reduced from $1199 to $599 Shop early" Martens saw the ad later that evening. She appeared the next morning at 9:00 a.m. when Sackett's opened its doors and stated to the clerk, she would take one of the Whirlwind dishwashers. The clerk replied that the ad was a mistake; the price should have been $999. Martens demanded to speak with the manager and insisted on Sackett's honoring its offer to sell at $599. The manager said. "I'm sorry, madam, but the machine cost us more than $800. we cannot sell it at $599. "Martens said Sacket's was in breach of contract and she would see her lawyer about it. Is Martens right? Explain.