
Problem related to bio-ethics or medical ethics

Problem: Find a current event, or news-story, or recent law that is being debated, or new technology that is being developed, etc. that would be related to the field of Bio-Ethics or Medical Ethics. This field of Ethics ranges from the beginning of life to the end, with medical ethics in the middle. So, for example, you can analyze Reproductive Technologies, or recent abortions laws, or cases of medical ethics that arise often in the news, or laws like the one in California recently that allows for "Death with Dignity" for those terminally ill, or any other event or current issue that you find important. Find a story that you think is interesting and controversial to analyze and then offer a solution to how you think the case, or issue, would best be resolved.

IMPORTANT: Topic must be concrete, particular, and specific rather than abstract & general.



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Other Subject: Problem related to bio-ethics or medical ethics
Reference No:- TGS03239832

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