Problem related to a boy in play therapy


John is a seven-year-old boy in play therapy. For his past 3 sessions, he has insisted that his therapist play swords with him. Because there are no swords in the therapist's office, they make believe that yard sticks are swords. In every sword-play game, John always ends up killing the therapist, and celebrating victoriously over the therapists "death." However, after the fun has worn off, John shows remorse over his actions and pretends to heal the therapist by bandaging up his pretend sword wounds. Write a post in which you identify the form of play therapy that John is using and explain which theme he is exhibiting (hint: John may be exhibiting multiple themes, but you should only select one to write about - whatever you think is most evident). Defend your answer by citing lesson material or by doing additional research on the themes of play therapy.

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Other Subject: Problem related to a boy in play therapy
Reference No:- TGS03390768

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