
Problem regarding theoretical framework

Assignment Task:

The theoretical framework is a critical element of your work. A theoretical framework is the general representation of relationships in your problem and is based on existing theory. The conceptual framework is your idea on how the problem should be explored, and it is generally based on a theory. The difference between the two is the scope. Theory is broad; concept is narrow.

In most research studies, your framework can be either theoretical or conceptual in nature. For the purposes of this project, you will most likely follow a conceptual framework, which is your idea on how the research problem will be explored (although you could have both). Looking for Assignment Help?

For example:

Theoretical framework: Stimulus is applied to elicit a response

Conceptual framework: A new teaching method is applied to elicit improvement in midterm test scores.

In this section of your change project, state the perspective through which the problem and/or phenomenon may be explored, and include the following:

Select a minimum of two theories.

Identify the process and logic in selecting these theoretical frameworks or conceptual frameworks for your study.

Discuss how each theory or model applies to the individual project.

Present the framework guiding your study.

Describe the assumptions of the framework.

Describe each key component of the framework.

Discuss how each element of the phenomenon applies to the framework.

Apply each element of the theory to the elements of the phenomenon under study.

Develop the rationale for the sample selection criteria.

Discuss, analyze, and critique pertinent research that uses the framework.

Remember that research never proves theory. Your research project can only support or refute the theoretical propositions you are using as your framework. But if you do not use theory or conceptual frameworks in your research, you may not be able to put your findings in a context that could strengthen the nursing education profession!

This section should be 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference page. You must reference a minimum of 3 scholarly articles.

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Other Subject: Problem regarding theoretical framework
Reference No:- TGS03451425

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