
Problem regarding the results of personality test

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When taking the test, I discovered that I was 16% extrovert, 34% Intuitive, my feelings were 25%, and my judgment came in at 31%. I have taken this test for a class before, and my results were close to the recent ones. I do believe that they are correct when it comes to how I go about doing things and feeling things in my life. In the workplace, they are genuinely almost on point as well. The ENFJ shows me as someone who believes in dreams and is a faithful helper but can quickly become an enabler of others. With my jobs, I have always been the person who could see the big picture and juggle several projects and responsibilities simultaneously. This made me a great leader at work and allowed me to be placed over most projects. 

The ENFJ also showed that I know and appreciate people. Like most feelers, I am apt to neglect myself and my own needs for the needs of others. I have thinner psychological boundaries than most, and I'm at risk of being hurt or even abused by less sensitive people. I often take on more of the burdens of others than they can bear. I give my everything regarding work, others, and life, but I always put myself last. Being the youngest of 10 siblings with a 13-year age difference between me and the next oldest has made me more of a loaner because all my siblings were older and on their way out into the world. My parents were older when they were surprised to be pregnant with me, and I mean older. They were very strict, protective, and old-school traditional when it came to raising me, making me more wary of others. I learned that being placed in different situations in the work environment; you can't just have one way of doing things because each situation is different and deserves to be treated as such. Taking the ENJF allowed me to see some things that need to be worked on and things that need to remain the same.


The results of this personality test are not alarming to me in any way, they reflect me as a person and as a leader. The personality test gave me ENTJ, meaning Extravert, iNtuative, Thinking, and Judging. It said I am slightly more these things than the opposite, such as Introvert or Feeling rather than thinking, just to name a couple. I do think of myself more as an extravert simply because I do not mind groups of people in any setting, and I do like talking to people, although I do still like and enjoy time to myself. I most certainly do use my intuition and feeling of situations rather than rely on waiting around and sensing how things are, and I also act on my thoughts more than acting on my feelings.

The sections of career choice and communication skills were also mostly accurate. Two of the career choices it gave me I have already done in life, which were working around planes (military job) and construction. It also says I would fit right in with Air Traffic Controllers, which I could never do. Although that does require quick thinking and the ability to talk to others, only a select few people are ever really good at ATC. The Behavior under Stress section was 50% accurate, I would say. It said I do not fold in tough situations, and actually thrive under stress, which I can and do. But it also said I open up to people as far as communication goes in stressful situations. That isn't always true, because even though I thrive under stress, I tend to stick to myself to get a job done under stressful conditions rather than reach out to others, I think it just saves time on tasks.

The test gave me a few different famous people that match my personality type, but the one that stood out the most to me was Jim Carrey. He has always been one of my favorite actors, and I think we have very similar ways of communicating. I thoroughly enjoy communicating through comedy and sarcasm, I love making people laugh in all situations. He also carries himself in a high regard and knows his worth, and is not afraid to let people know his feelings, and neither do I. Even if what I say may make some feel uncomfortable, I will say it if it is necessary, and Jim Carrey has been documented several times doing this exact thing. Need Assignment Help?

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