Problem regarding the malaria

Assignment task:

Review the topic assigned to you by your Instructor. Please be sure to contact your Instructor if you have any questions. Malaria

Select one target population from the populations provided:

Target Populations:

  • Adults
  • African Americans
  • Asian Americans
  • Caucasians
  • College students
  • Female sex workers
  • Hispanic males
  • Homeless individuals
  • Latina women
  • Latino men
  • LBGTQ individuals
  • Low-income urbanites
  • Mexican Americans
  • Native Americans
  • New mothers
  • Older adults
  • Pacific Islanders
  • Parents
  • Parents and children
  • Parents and grandparents
  • People with disabilities
  • School children
  • University students
  • Women
  • Women and men

Select at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your assigned topic and target population.

Review Locate, Cite, and Reference Journal Articles to learn how to locate peer-reviewed articles in the library databases, and how to cite and reference them in your paper.

The Assignment: 3- to 4-page paper


Submit a 3- to 4-page paper?(not including title page and references) that includes the following: 

Title Page


In your own words, provide a brief description of the health belief model (HBM).

Perceived Benefits and Perceived Barriers

Explain how the constructs of perceived benefits and perceived barriers apply to your assigned health topic and your selected target group. Be specific and provide examples.

Other Constructs

Select two other constructs of your choice and explain how the constructs specifically apply to your target group and the assigned health topic. Be specific and provide examples.

Application of model/theory

Summarize the HBM theory/model's application to your selected target and assigned health topic.

Reference Page with APA formatted references. You should cite and reference at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly articles in your paper.

Note:?Be sure to cite the sources within your text (where you refer to them) using APA format. Include peer-reviewed journal articles that establish the evidence-based research for your responses.

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Science: Problem regarding the malaria
Reference No:- TGS03428716

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