
Problem regarding self-esteem working definition

Assignment Task:

Self-Esteem Working Definition:

Self-esteem refers to an individual's comprehensive assessment of their own worth or value, shaped by their beliefs, emotions, and life experiences. It represents a personal perception of oneself that impacts cognitive processes, behaviors, and overall psychological well-being. Self-esteem can be global or specific, shaped by internal factors and external influences. Need Assignment Help?


The instrument that would best be used would be the Likert-type scale. This format allows respondents to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a series of statements, providing a more nuanced and reliable measurement than binary or open-ended responses. The use of Likert scales in measuring self-esteem is favored due to their reliability, ability to capture nuanced responses, and strong psychometric properties. Research indicates that 5-point Likert scales enhance reliability by allowing respondents to select a middle option, reducing random guessing and improving data integrity (Chomeya, 2010). Their versatility enables researchers to assess self-esteem with greater precision, avoiding the limitations of binary choices.

Items of the Instrument:

The process begins with clearly defining the construct and identifying key dimensions, such as global or domain-specific self-esteem, to construct a reliable self-esteem measurement instrument (Kline, 2005). Items should be generated based on theoretical models, ensuring clarity, neutrality, and a mix of positively and negatively worded statements (Lin et al., 2017). A Likert-scale response format is recommended for capturing varying degrees of self-worth. Experts should review the items for content validity, followed by cognitive interviews and pilot testing to assess clarity and response patterns (Kline, 2005). Statistical analysis, such as factor analysis and reliability testing, helps refine the scale by removing weak items. The final instrument should retain only the strongest items, ensuring validity, reliability, and alignment with the construct.

Five Items:

Considering the construction of the instruments and the requirements for accurately measuring the intended concept, here is an example of five items that could be included in the assessment. The items included in a new self-esteem scale using a Likert-scale response format (e.g., Strongly Agree - Strongly Disagree):

"I feel confident in my ability to handle challenges in life."

"I am confident that I am as good as others."

"I believe that I am a person of worth, at least as much as anyone else."

"I tend to feel satisfied with myself most of the time."

"I often feel like I am good enough."

These items assess both positive and negative aspects of self-esteem, ensuring a balanced and reliable measure.


Chomeya, R. (2010). Quality of psychology test between Likert scale 5 and 6 points. Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 399-403.

Kline, T. (2005). Psychological testing: A practical approach to design and evaluation. Sage Publications.

Lin, C.-Y., Strong, C., Tsai, M.-C., & Lee, C.-T. (2017). Raters interpret positively and negatively worded items similarly in a quality of life instrument for children. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 54, 004695801769672.

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