Problem regarding purchasing and supply chain management

Assignment Task: My organization is Walmart.

Here is the book for using the pages they ask for:

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Robert M. Monczka; Robert B. Handfield; Larry C (2015)

Assigned Reading:

Chapter 13: "Negotiation and Conflict Management"

Chapter 14: "Contract Management"

Based on your readings in this unit, answer the following questions, with explanations (do not simply name concepts and move on):

1) Among the concepts you have learned, which do you think is most useful to you or your organization?

2) Which concept(s) caused the most confusion in this unit?

3) Which concept(s) did you wish went into further detail, either because you are interested or because it's too complex for the coverage it received?

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Other Management: Problem regarding purchasing and supply chain management
Reference No:- TGS03416883

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