
Problem regarding project implementation and evaluation

Assignment task: Evidence Based Practice II

Blog: Lessons Learned From Project Implementation and Evaluation

In the first week of this course, you reviewed and reflected on the project management plan you developed for a practice change. Now, in the final weeks of the course, you have implemented this practice change. How is it going? What are the lasting impacts of this change? What have you learned from this experience?

Reflection of an experience, lessons learned, and/or sustainability of a project, demonstrates a clear understanding of process. To reflect requires an ability to consider lessons learned, necessary corrections, and next steps. As we move into the final weeks of the course and the practice change implementation, it will be important for you to consider what you learned and how to sustain the project moving forward.

For this Blog, consider what you have learned thus far from the project implementation and evaluation of implementation data. Consider your role, as a leader, in implementing the change for the problem. How has your role impacted the problem or change? How might you approach a future implementation differently? Looking for Online Tutoring?


Clark J. (2011). Let's reflect: What is the point? British Journal of General Practice, 61(593), 747.

Learning Resources:

Required Readings:

  • Gilmour, J. A., Mukerji, G., Segal, P., Sutton, L., Wong, R., Caplan, L., Whitham, D., & Halperin, I. (2019). Implementing change ideas, interpreting data and sustaining change in a quality improvement project. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 43(4), 249-255.
  • Nelson-Brantley, H. V., & Chipps, E. (2021). Implementation science and nursing leadership: Improving the adoption and sustainability of evidence-based practice. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(5), 237-239. doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000001006

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources concerning how to analyze and reflect on project implementation.
  • Consider what you have learned thus far from your project implementation and evaluation.

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Other Subject: Problem regarding project implementation and evaluation
Reference No:- TGS03450465

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