Problem regarding posttraumatic stress disorder

Problem: Can you paraphrase this - Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that occurs when a person experiences a traumatic event such as sexual assault, threatened injury, or death. PTSD is a disabling disorder that results in cognitive and functional impairment. It can also lead to an increase in mortality due to the high prevalence of suicidal ideation and attempts associated with this disorder. Under the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), PTSD is classified under Trauma- and Stress-related Disorders (Schrader, & Ross, 2021). According to the DSM-5, seven criteria must be present before PTSD can be diagnosed based on 7 criteria: A - exposure to a stressor; B - presence of intrusive symptoms; C - avoidance of traumatic related events, D - negative change in mood or cognition, E - alterations in arousal and reactivity; F- symptoms that last for more than for more than one month; G - symptoms leads to distress and functional impairment and H - disturbance is not caused by medication, substance use or other medical issue. Want Online Help?

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Reference No:- TGS03446772

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