
Problem regarding library orientation and tour

Assignment Task: Library Orientation and Tour

1. Go to the Reid State homepage

2. Next, click on "Library Services" at the top of the home page.  You should then see information about the library and a picture of the building. In the text box entry, answer the following questions.

a. What is the name on the outside of Reid State Technical College's Library?

b. What are the library's hours of operation?

c. Where is this building located? 

i. At the front of the campus or

ii. at the back of the campus?

d. When are the library's electronic resources available to students, faculty, and staff?

3. Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page with the information and picture of the library and click on "Library Resources" in the first gray circle. Answer the following questions.

a. What can you do in PrepStep?  Name four things that you can do in this database.

b. How many ProQuest databases are available? Need solution? Get Online Service!

c. What kind of news coverage does the NewsBank database provide?

d. Who is the Coordinator of Library Services?

4. Lastly, click on the last ProQuest database, Research Library, and search for a topic that interests you. Answer the following question.

a. Once you have accessed articles on your topic, look to the left, and name the "Source Types" with articles on your topic.

b. Now, change your topic search to "How to write a cover letter for a job application." Which source type offers the most articles on this topic?

c. Change your topic search to "How to write a resume." Which source type offers the most articles on this topic?

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Reference No:- TGS03445072

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