
Problem regarding gatt dispute settlement process

Question: Which of the following is a key difference between the old GATT dispute settlement process in place from 1948 to 1994 and the newer WTO dispute settlement process in place from 1995 until the present? Group of answer choices In the old GATT dispute settlement process, just one country could block the retaliatory tariffs (and other punishments imposed by GATT dispute settlement panels) from being implemented. In effect, this meant that such retaliatory measures could never be implemented. In the current WTO process, panel decisions can be appealed to the Appellate Body, but if that Body upholds the initial panel decision, the Appellate Body's ruling can only be overturned by "reverse consensus" - 100% of the members of the WTO must vote to overturn it. WTO trade disputes are now ALWAYS resolved within one year and 6 months - they never take longer than this. Both of the statements listed here are correct


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Other Management: Problem regarding gatt dispute settlement process
Reference No:- TGS03419305

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