Rephrase longer Hello and welcome! You must be Mehreen? Nice to meet you. My name is April and I have been working as a Social Service Worker with Employment Resources Agency for over a year now. The services we offer include personalized support, professional resume writing, interview preparation, and job opportunities. We help job seekers in prepa for the job search to securing employment. Please have a seat. Before we begin would you like any coffee, tea, or water? Just so you know we will be having an hour session every Wednesday. Does this work for you? I have your intake form and I also sent you a package of information. In the welcome package comes with a consent form, were you able to go through it and understand the note to consent? Would you like to discuss it a little bit? If you want to, I see that you bring the copy with you and I see that you have signed it. I would also like to let you know that whatever we have discussed here will be kept confidential and only me and my supervisor will be able to access your information.