
Problem regarding cultural intelligence survey

Assignment task: Respond to the following

Robert Zobel:

I scored high on the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) survey, especially in flexibility and interpersonal involvement across cultures. I think this score truly reflects my personal and professional experiences, which have helped me appreciate cultural dynamics. For instance, I have worked in several academic and internship contexts. These experiences have improved my capacity to interact and collaborate with people from diverse cultures, letting me recognize new perspectives and modify my approach. Being open to learning about different cultures, languages, and traditions has improved my CQ, making me more empathic and open-minded in cross-cultural encounters.

I know CQ is multifaceted, and I can improve in some areas. I'm comfortable with cultural differences, but I know cultural intelligence requires constant study and self-awareness. The poll revealed some opportunities for improvement, notably in understanding how fundamental cultural beliefs affect professional behavior. Despite my openness, unconscious biases and assumptions may impair my encounters. I want to improve my CQ by actively seeking feedback, reflecting on my interactions, and adapting to unknown cultural circumstances as I connect with different cultures. I need this constant evolution to create inclusive workplaces and adapt to a globalized corporate climate.


The workforce changes with society. A diverse personnel is important, but so is cultural competency and incorporating it into the company culture. (CHCM, 2023). Organizational cooperation, respect, and understanding increase when employees are receptive to new ideas. This boosts workplace productivity, creativity, and innovation by combining multiple viewpoints. Cultural competency creates a secure space where everyone feels welcome and included. (CHCM, 2023). This makes creating connections with your community simpler since they feel valued and heard. Key stakeholders must also consider cultural competency while creating policies. Inclusion of many viewpoints and cultures improves policy effectiveness. (CHCM, 2023). This also reduces power inequalities and promotes equality and openness.

Organizational cultural competency assessment is crucial to creating a culturally inclusive workplace. Organizations should institutionalize cultural understanding and evaluate their policies, processes, and practices to identify minority group care obstacles. (CHCM, 2023). Doing so helps assess the company's cultural efficiency and suggest opportunities for improvement. Organizations should review their policies, practices, and processes to discover prejudice or needless hurdles that may be preventing minority groups from receiving treatment. (CHCM, 2023). This lets them establish a cultural competency improvement plan and criteria for measuring success. Need Online Help?

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Reference No:- TGS03449375

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