
Problem regarding aging in movies review

Assignment task: Aging In Movies Review

There is a plethora of films out there depicting various dimensions of the aging process. Despite the belly-laughing, or sometimes, tear-jerking emotions we gather from these films, we often do not stop to wonder if these depictions of various dimensions of aging are accurate...or a bunch of malarky (i.e., nonsense). For this assignment, you are tasked with watching a film, not a TV show, of your choice that depicts any aspect of aging that has been discussed in our class. After watching the film, answer the questions below.

Movie title:

Give your review a title. It can be as funny or as serious as you would like.

Q1. Give a brief summary of what the movie is about.

(no more than 4 sentences)

Q2. Who is/are the main character(s) in the film that you will be discussing?

(no more than 2 sentences)

Q3. What class topic does the movie depict? How?

(no more than 4 sentences)

Q4. Based on what you have learned thus far in the course, do you feel that this film provides an accurate depiction of aging and/or the various aspects of aging? (i.e., mental/physical health, relationships, challenges, disease, wisdom, personality, etc.)

Why or why not? Include at least 2 scholarly citations to support your answer.

(no more than 7 sentences)

5. In what ways do you believe that this film could improve to provide a more accurate depiction of this dimension of aging?

(no more than 7 sentences)

6. All movies teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this one?

(no more than 4 sentences)

You will be tasked with watching a film of your choice. The only expectation is that this film depicts some aspect of aging that is either related to or has been covered in this course. After watching the film, you will complete a worksheet "AGING OF MOVIES" with a series of questions regarding the film and your critique on how well the film did or did not depict an aspect of aging. You will be expected to provide two scholarly citations for this assignment. Please review APA formatting and style (7th edition). A resource I like to use is Purdue OnlineWriting Lab (OWL). Check out the OWL Purdue APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition) or The Basics of in-text citations. Please refer to the Helpful Resources

Module on our Canvas page for further assistance in formatting citations and references.



This list is neither exhaustive nor is it required that you choose a movie from this list. Also, I have not seen all of these movies; therefore, it is your responsibility to review any information about these movies prior to watching them to avoid any potential triggers or lack of comfortability.

  • Harold and Maude
  • 45 Years
  • Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
  • Walk in the Woods
  • Poms
  • Juanita
  • The Notebook
  • Still
  • The Bucket List
  • Up
  • It's Complicated
  • And So It Goes
  • Book Club
  • About Schmidt
  • Last Vegas
  • Grumpy Old Man
  • Get Low
  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • Cloudburst
  • Supernova
  • Two of Us
  • Away from Her
  • The Father
  • Amour

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