Problem on validity of the bequests in will

(Problem 1) Rajesh has made a will which includes the following provisions:

i) £20,000 to my friend Howard, in total confidence that he will take good care of my goddaughter Halley.

ii) £50,000 to my trustees, to distribute at their discretion, amongst my preferred siblings and most loyal friends. Rajesh has now died.

You have been asked to advise the executors as to the validity of the above bequests in his will.

(Problem 2) Leonard executed a will containing the following clause: "£20,000, to be held by my friend Ismet for the wishes I have expressed to him".

A month after executing the will, Leonard met with Ismet and explained that he wanted Ismet to use the money as instructed in a letter that he handed to him, to be opened after his death. Ismet agreed.

Leonard has now died. Ismet has opened the letter. The letter states that the money should be held for Leonard's lady friend Amira. Advise Ismet.

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Other Subject: Problem on validity of the bequests in will
Reference No:- TGS03367938

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