
Problem on understanding and interpretation of the play

Assignment Problem:

Researching the Play, Its Contexts, And the Ideas Presented

Theatre in Context

Director's Notebook

You've read the play. You've written your responses. Now What?

This is your chance to understand the greater context of the play. As we know, no theatre (or any art) happens in a vacuum. Every play has a relevant context in which it exists; this context might be social, political, personal, historical, philosophical, temporal, artistic or other. It is your job to discover the contexts of the play and the playwright. And to explore how these contexts affect and inspire your understanding and interpretation of the play.

Here is a general way to think about Theatre in Context:

  • Personal

o What may have influenced the playwright, and what are his or her intentions?


o How have the cultural, social, and/or political conditions of the time influenced or inspired the play?


o What is the genre/style of the play, and how has the playwright employed the art form to communicate his or her intentions and ideas?

Carry out research on the following.

These are questions to consider, thinking about. You are MI required to respond to every single one. They are meant to prompt your drinking. However, you should still be sure to research every topic listed Mow.

1. The author's life:

a. Biographical information (when. whew. family. upbringing, major life emus. etc.)

2. The period and cultural conditions of the time when the play was written: a. When was it written? Whew? What was the political climate at that time? The social climate? Economic? Artistic?

3. Any world or local events current at the time of writing the play 110 may have had an impact on its writing

a. What were they? I low do they impact the play? What evidence is there of their influence in the play?

4. The plays reception and impact on audiences:

a. Was it well received? Did it maw an orator? If so, what kind? I low did audiences and critics respond

5. The themes and ideas of the play:

a. What is the playwright trying to communicate and portray in this play

6. Particular characteristics or chancier traits:

a. Are the characters representations of teal people? Of characters in other plays? What ideas or themes do they communicate or represent?

7. The period, location and events of the play:

a. Are they representations of real period, location, and events? Are they symbolic representations?

8. The genre or style:

a. What genre or style does the play fall under? What was happening in that genre at the time the play was written? Why did the playwright use this genre or style? What are the conventions of this genre or style!

9. Any particular aspects unique to the play.

a. What are they, if any? What was the inspiration for these particular aspects ? Were they monumental in theatre history?

After carrying out your research, think about the author, the time of writing and the location.

  • What was happening in the playwright's world?
  • Why did he or she write the play?
  • Who was it for?
  • What was the playwright trying to say?
  • How does it relate to other plays by the playwright?
  • Dow does it relate to other plays being performed at the lime?

You've done the research. Now What?

 Go back to your recorded analysis of the text from the previous "Responding to the Play" assignment.

  • Add, edit, or change as a result of your research
  • Revisit your interpretation of the play text. Add, edit. or change. and provide more detail as needed.
  • remember, this research and synthesis is crucial to your understanding of the play, and thus to your directorial vision. Keep in mind also that you are assessed on the research you present and connect in your Director's Notebook (Assessment Criteria A).

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