Assignment task: M.B. is a 52-year-old male with a PMHx of diabetes, COPD, CHF, and afib admitted to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) after suffering a traumatic right lower extremity (RLE) injury that required surgery. You (the PACU nurse) are told that the patient lost approximately 3 units of blood in the OR but was effectively resuscitated with 1L NS and 3 units of PRBCs. The patient presents to PACU with a large dressing to the anterior aspect of the right thigh.
The patient is now alert and awake. You obtain an initial set of VS and note the following:
Supine: HR 123, BP 101/59, RR 33, 98% on RA
Sitting, HR 140, BP 96/62, RR 28, 98% on RA
Standing: Deferred due to dizziness, lightheadedness, and extremity injury
Question #1: Are you concerned? Why or why not?