
Problem on time varying current and voltages


Question 1. Consider the circuit of Figure in which the switch has been open for a long time prior to t=-0. Determine the values of vc(t) before t=0 and a long time after t=0. Also, determine the time constant after the switch closes and expressions for vc(t). Sketch vc(t) to scale versus time for -2 <= t <= 5.

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Question 2. Consider the circuit of Figure in which the switch has been closed for a long time prior to t=0. Determine the values of vc(t) before t=0 and a long time after t=0. Also, determine the time constant after the switch opens and expressions for vc(t). Sketch vc(t) to scale versus time for -0.2 <= t <= 1.0.

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Question 3. Consider the circuit shown in Figure . The initial current in the inductor is iL(0-) = 0. Find expressions for iL(t) and v(t) for t >= 0 and sketch to scale versu stime.

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Question 4. Determine expressions for and sketch vR(t) to scale versus time for the circuit of Figure. The circuit is operating in steady state with the switch closed prior to t=0. Consider the time interval -0.2 <= t <= 1 ms.

1351_Determine expressions.JPG

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Physics: Problem on time varying current and voltages
Reference No:- TGS01892245

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