
Problem on the play-oedipus the king

Play-Oedipus the King

Choose ONE topic. Write a short essay of about 350-500 words.

1- Trace the images of vision and blindness throughout the play. How are they related to the theme? Why does Oedipus blind himself instead of joining Jocasta in suicide?

2 - Locate instances of dramatic irony in the play. How do they serve as examples of foreshadowing?

3 - What causes Oedipus' downfall? Is he simply a pawn in a predetermined game played by the gods? Can he be regarded as responsible for the suffering and death in the play?

4 - Is Oedipus blameless for killing his father and marrying his mother, since he was unaware of their identities? Explain. What part does hubris play is Oedipus' demise?

5 - Is it possible for a 21st century reader to identify with Oedipus' plight? What philosophic issues does he confront?

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Other Subject: Problem on the play-oedipus the king
Reference No:- TGS0673354

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