Solve the following problem:
Consider the two-user, synchronous CDMA transmission system described in Problem 1. P(b1 = 1) = P(b2 = 1) = ½ and P(b1, b2) = P(b1)P(b2). The jointly optimum detector makes decisions based on the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) criterion. That is, the detector computes
max P[b1,b2|r(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T]
a. For the equally likely information bits (b1, b2) show that the MAP criterion is equivalent to the maximum-likelihood (ML) criterion
max p[r(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T | b1,b2]
b. Show that the ML criterion in (a) leads to the jointly optimum detector that makes decisions on b1 and b2 according to the following rule:
max (√ε1b1r1 + √ε2b2r2 - √ε1ε2pb1b2)
Problem 1: Consider a two-user, synchronous CDMA transmission system, where the received signal is
r(t) = √ε1b1g1(t) + √ε2b2g2(t) + n(t) , 0 ≤ t ≤ T
and (b1, b2) = (±1, ±1). The noise process n(t) is zero-mean Gaussian and white, with spectral density N0/2. The demodulator for r(t) is shown in Figure .
a. Show that the correlator outputs r1 and r2 at t = T may be expressed as
r1 = √ε1b1 + √ε2pb2 + n1
r2 = √ε1b1p + √ε2b2 + n2
b. Determine the variances of n1 and n2 and the covariance of n1 and n2.
c. Determine the joint PDF p(r1,r2|b1, b2).