Problem on steps of principled task decomposition

Assignment Task: Your client wants to be able to take the public bus from his home to the mall. However, he has alexia and is unable to understand any written words. Based on your interactions with him, you think he can travel by bus by matching photos embedded in his phone or on a "cheat sheet." His wife, however, is really adamant that he be able to read and understand a bus schedule, all the signs on a bus, and all of the directional signs at the mall. Applying the steps of principled task decomposition, like navigating by photo matching, is a good example of which of the following? Selecting a strategy that does not require the acquisition of complex skills Selecting a strategy that is easier for the clinician to implement Selecting a strategy that can be successful with very little practice All of the above


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Other Subject: Problem on steps of principled task decomposition
Reference No:- TGS03404519

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