
Problem on sequences and limits


Q1.  If (bn) is a bounded sequence and lim(an) = 0, show that the lim(anbn) = 0.

a) Let X = (xn) and Y = (yn) be sequences of real numbers that converge to x and y respectively, and let c be an element R.  Then the sequences X+Y, X-Y, X·Y, and cX converge to x+y, x-y, xy, and cx, respectively.

b) If X = (xn) converges to x and Z = (zn) is a sequence of nonzero real numbers that converges to z and if z ≠ 0, then the quotient sequence X/Z  converges to x/z.

Q2. Let x1 > 1 and xn+1 : = 2 - 1/xn (for n an element of N).  Show that (xn) is bounded and monotone.  Find the limit.

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Mathematics: Problem on sequences and limits
Reference No:- TGS01921308

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