Problem on public health and injuries

Assignment task: Public Health and Injuries

Focus on the City Las Vegas, Nevada

Before beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapter 15 of the course textbook. As you read, the gross majority of injuries in the United States are unintentional, but some injuries are intentional, inflicted upon one individual by another. Using a local newspaper or local news website, locate three articles that deal with violence in your community or nearest city.

For each article,

  • Provide a two-sentence summary along with the link to the article.
  • Identify and describe the victim and the perpetrator.
  • Identify what you feel was the underlying cause of the violence.
  • Suggest as to how the violence could have been avoided or prevented.
  • Propose an idea on how public health could become involved in preventing future violence in your area.



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Reference No:- TGS03419951

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