Problem on priority psychosocial nursing diagnosis

Assignment Task: Acute Pancreatitis

Nursing management - Using the nursing process, develop ONE plan of care that is  related to one priority psychosocial nursing diagnosis for an Acute Pancreatitis patient . Please include the following information in each plan of care:

1 priority psychosocial nursing diagnosis,

1 short and 1 long-term goal,

3 nursing interventions with rationale statements,

3 evaluative statements based on interventions, and

a minimum of 3 potential patient education needs for consideration.

Submit a reference list formatted according to APA 7TH edition. A minimum of at least three (3) references. Cite at least two (2) research or evidence-based practice (EBP) sources. All resources must be within 5 years of publication.

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Biology: Problem on priority psychosocial nursing diagnosis
Reference No:- TGS03379797

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