
Problem on policy around patient confidentiality

Assignment task: This is a paper I wrote is there a way to make this flow better?

The health care facility of my choice is a clinic. Their policy around patient confidentiality is massive and well covered. They believe your information, your rights, and our responsibility is their motto. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules and regulations restrict access to individuals' private medical information. This means you can request confidential communication. You can ask not to share your health information for treatment. The clinic is not required to agree to your request, they may deny your request if it would affect your care. Example; a doctor treating you for an injury may ask another doctor who treated you about your overall health condition. They can share your health information with other professionals that have a treatment relationship with you, say cancer etc. They can share health information to improve care. Non-medical/non-health care organization, the clinic can use or share your health information: - For workers compensation claims - For law enforcement purposes when certain requirements are met - With health oversight agencies for activities that are authorized by law - To a correctional institution or law enforcement official who has custody of you - For special government functions such as military, national security, and presidential protective In the case that the law is involved, the clinic will share information about you if state or federal laws require that they do so, even when the U.S. department of health and social services request your information, to confirm that we are in compliance with HIPPA.

In conclusion, I was surprised at the level of detail in the policy. Health care is not singular, it's multi layered. History has made things much better interns of patient autonomy, unfortunately we have more work to do. I trust time will change things for the better. 




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