
Problem on pneumonia- pediatric history of present illness

Case Study: Pneumonia- Pediatric History of Present Illness: A 36-month-old Hispanic male presents to emergency department to the general medical/surgical hospital pediatric ward with nonspecific symptoms cough, fever, and difficulty breathing with nasal congestion, and abdominal pain. Signs and symptoms started 3-days ago, after traveling to Mexico with his mother and family to visit family for a 1-week vacation to visit distant relatives. He does not take medications daily, no other diagnosis, no smokers in the home. Up to date on all immunizations. Weight 14.4 kg. Height 94cm. He is currently potty training and still wears a diaper/pull up at night and sleeps around 10-13 hours normally. Social History: No one else in the home is sick and he is the fifth child of his mother. Allergies: No known medicine, food, or environmental allergies. Past Medical History: vaginal birth at 39-weeks' gestation without complications. Past Surgical History: none Medications: none daily. Last given140mg of Motrin by mother 8-hours ago. Physical Exam: Patient observed while only in diaper. Tolerated vital signs as long as mother was able to hold him. Not crying, but obviously anxious. Mother reports that he has not been pulling at ears but has been coughing for 3-days.

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Other Subject: Problem on pneumonia- pediatric history of present illness
Reference No:- TGS03430084

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