
Problem on male patient admitted for a stroke

Question: A 73-year-old male patient was admitted for a stroke. The major manifestations were ptosis on the right, moderate expressive aphasia, right-to-left disorientation, and a slow shuffling gate. He has DM type 2, which is managed with metformin. On a CT scan of the head, a low-density area was seen at the posterior limb of the left internal capsule and the left posterior parietal subcortical white matter. No hemorrhage was viewed. Gradually, the manifestations improved and resolved. The patient had a right midfoot ulcer that required bedside debridement (using a Versaject). This was performed by a surgeon. He was discharged to home with a follow-up visit by home health scheduled for daily encounters. Discharge diagnosis (1) Cerebrovascular infarction of a thromboembolic source, left posterior artery (2) type 2 diabetes (3) diabetic foot ulcer what would be the secondary diagnosis code(s)


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Other Subject: Problem on male patient admitted for a stroke
Reference No:- TGS03410862

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