
Problem on journalism and publishing in the digital age

Assignment Task: Journalism and Publishing in the Digital Age

Over the course of this semester, we have examined and debated the future of journalism and publishing in the digital age - both through the lens of the changing media industry and through your personal news consumption habits. This final project will allow you to bring these themes together to reflect on the material we have learned and to share your personal views on the future of news.

The final project will consider of three parts as follows:

Reflection on Personal Media Consumption (2 pages)

At the start of the semester, you were asked to consume at least 20 minutes of news per day. And for your media diary entries, you have been engaging with the news through different platforms and analyzing how information is presented. Now, complete a two-page reflection that summarizes your personal media use and lessons you have learned as a news consumer.

In this paper, you should:

- Discuss how your media consumption has changed, if at all, compared to the start of the semester.

- Reflect on the positive and negative experiences you have had as a news consumer, and whether your perspective on journalism has changed.

- Explain whether your own news consumption habits reflect some of the trends we have studied in class about how the population at large now consumes news.

- Finally, discuss whether you believe your media consumption habits will change going forward in both your personal life and professional career.

Reflections on the Digital Landscape (3 pages)

Using your knowledge of the digital media landscape from your research and work in this course, outline your vision for the best way forward to inform news consumers in the digital age. Write a three-page exploration that can include commentary from media critics, examples from the digital media sites the class has shared, your readings, and the skills you've gained as a skeptical news consumer.

Key questions to consider: What approach to covering the news represents the best chance for informing the public? How can journalism restore public trust in its coverage?

What are your thoughts on the most promising business models for journalism's future?

If you are passionate about quality journalism in the digital age, here is your chance to show it. If you are skeptical and pessimistic, make the argument for your viewpoint.

Presentation (5-7 minutes)

The purpose of this presentation is to make your argument to the class about the best way forward to inform news consumers in the digital age. You should create 5 slides based on your reflection paper that outline your arguments. You should also incorporate visuals that support your argument, including charts, graphs, news clips, or digital media examples. You should use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other presentation software for your presentation. You will have about 5-7 minutes for your presentation. Need online assistance?

Your presentation will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Preparedness (20%): You must be prepared for your presentation. Be on time and post your presentation on Canvas before the class (the day of your presentation). You will be given 5-7 minutes to finish your presentation. If you go over time, you will be penalized. You must not read the slides or flashcards. Flashcards and slides must only be used as a guide.

2. Presentation (20%): You should demonstrate your knowledge of the theories and the topics that we have learned this semester. Your presentation should not be more than 5 slides long. It should have title and introduction, findings and conclusion slides. There should be no grammar and spelling mistakes.

3. Content (60%): Your presentation should demonstrate a clear point of view that is supported by research and information learned in this class and derived from outside readings, videos and podcasts. It's important to remember you are being asked to offer an informed opinion (i.e. what you think). You are not simply restating information.

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Reference No:- TGS03445388

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