
Problem on flexjobs career development


According to FlexJobs Career Development Manager and Coach Brie Reynolds, it is common for job seekers to have similar beliefs about the job search and application process. "In working with thousands of clients over the last few years, we've seen the same job seeker misconceptions pop up routinely." "Many of the missteps we see revolve around a misunderstanding of how the job search and application process has changed in the last decade." Your assignment: The question for your group to answer is: "what do you have to do for your job search and job application in 2023 that you did not have to do in 2013?" As a group, you are to research (which means you should have some sources to cite) this question, come up with 3 strategies that you will present to the class. Everyone in the group should present, the presentation should be at least 5 minutes in length.

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Other Subject: Problem on flexjobs career development
Reference No:- TGS03396937

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