Problem on elimination method


Solve system of two equations with x and y (use any technique):
Q1.    2x - y = 0
3x + 2y = 7

Q2.    x + 2y = 4
2x - y = -7

Q3.    4x + y = 15
2x + 5y = 21

Assign x and y for unknown values, create system of two equations and find solution:

Q4. Investments. Michael Perez has a total of $2000 on deposit with two savings institutions. One pays interest at the rate of 6%/year, whereas the other pays interest at the rate of 8%/year. If Michael earned a total of $144 in interest during a single year, how much does he have on deposit in each institution?

Q5. The Coffee Shoppe sells a coffee blend made from two coffees, one costing $5/lb and the other costing $6/lb. If the blended coffee sells for $5.60/lb, find how much of each coffee is used to obtain the desired bend. Assume that the weight of the blended coffee is 100lb.

Q6. Simple calculator costs $5 and scientific calculator costs $16. The store sold 35 calculators and received $340. How many of each calculator was sold?

Provide complete and step by step solution for the question and show calculations and use formulas.

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Mathematics: Problem on elimination method
Reference No:- TGS01914774

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