Problem on customer and the employee

Below is a situation an employee had in which her manager had to step in. After reading the situation below please answer the following questions.

You have now almost finished with your MBA and will be eventually moving into a management position. Tie the situation below with a master's education. The pregnant sales clerk is now the manager, what are some suggestions you can make that would have kept both the customer and the employee (sales clerk) happy? Having a customer eat ice cream while standing in line to pay, how would you handle this if you were the owner of the business?

Consider three things a manager can do to build trust with their employee like showing respect, communicating, and supporting their personnel; using leadership terminology What are some suggestions you can make that would have kept both the customer and the employee happy? Having a customer eat ice cream while standing in line to pay, how would you handle this if you were the owner of the business?


When Jane worked for the parks about 13 yrs ago she had a different manager filling in one day. Jane was about 5 months pregnant at the time so She was working the cash register instead of stocking or doing anything requiring her to lift heavy objects. The fill in manager was known to be not so nice to her staff so the park staff were all on edge that day. Jane and one other girl were working in the gift shop and they were extremely busy. They had a lot of school groups come in that day. As Jane was ringing up the sales the other clerk showed merchandise to the customers. As Jane rang up a sale she noticed out of the corner of her eye that a gentleman had opened the Ice cream cooler, lifted up the rack of individually wrapped ice cream, and them started opening up boxes of ice cream. Jane looked at him like what the heck is he doing. He then looked at Jane and said "what"? "If you would have been doing your job I would not have to be doing this". Jane told the man if he would of waited in line like everyone else when it came to be his turn She would of gotten the ice cream for him. He obviously could not have waited. It was hot in the building. He of course then still argued with
Jane making a big scene while he stood in line eating the ice cream. It really was not pretty so Jane told him to take it up with her supervisor if he did not feel Jane was doing her job right. Before Jane could explain the situation to the manager he was literally in her face. The manager explained to him that it was a very busy day and we were short staffed and so on but he did not want to listen to her. The manager ended up giving him his ice cream money back to him and told him to leave. He had upset a lot of people trying to have a nice day out. Jane was really shocked that her manager stood up for her and thanked her for it. She explained that Jane should not worry about it and stated that the mans attitude was really uncalled for.

When Jane left work that day she despised customers like that man but liked that her manager had stood up for her.

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Business Law and Ethics: Problem on customer and the employee
Reference No:- TGS01761174

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