
Problem on control system


Question 1. Consider the differential equation: d2y/dt2 + (3)dy/dt +2y = u where y(0) =  dy(0)/dt = 0 and u(t) is a unit step.

1. Determine the solution y(t) analytically.

2. Verify with MATLAB by co-plotting the analytic solution and the step response obtained with the step function.

Question 2. Consider the block diagram shown in Figure.

642_Control System Problem.jpg

1. Use MATLAB to reduce the block diagram in Figure 1, and compute the closed-loop transfer function.

2. Generate a pole-zero map of the closed-loop transfer function in graphical form using the pzmap function.

3. Generate the list of poles and zeros.

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MATLAB Programming: Problem on control system
Reference No:- TGS01897553

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