Problem on androsexual and gynosexual

Assignment task:

Two different peer review and answer the question:

1. Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well especially for our last unit. I have a lot of questions about this Unit that I honestly want to go over. For example, I'm really confused about grammatical gender marking. Can someone evaluate more into the term? From my understanding, I felt like these are words that are prescribed to "men"-like occupations. For example, there are "firemen" or "policemen". Would you all say that overtime we moved away from those type of root words and start referring to occupations in gender neutral words. For example, there would be flight attendant or fireperson. Also, I really want to ask about the terminology within genderqueer. If you're referring to yourself as third/other gender, would it count if you're considered as agender? Because I understand that you wouldn't identify as a certain gender, but would that fall under the bracket? Would the pronouns of "they/them" be considered as your pronoun if your gender identity is outside of male and female? Really curious about this and I hope someone can help me with this clarification. Thank you!

2. Hello class! I found this unit to be very interesting and informative. I already had a pretty good level of knowledge on these topics, but I still learned new words like androsexual and gynosexual. I know these topics can be controversial but they are essential to learn about. Whether you disagree with certain points or not, it is important to understand and be kind to all the people around us. One thing I disagree with is that language that uses male terms as the default is sexist. As a woman, I never found words like policeman, mankind, etc to be sexist. I always saw them as gender-neutral in context. If anyone would like to share, what is your opinion on this? Thanks for a great class, everyone, and good luck on the final assignments/exam!

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